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Zollner Updates Industry on COVID19 Contingency Plan

Activated Zollner Contingency Plan to Minimize Risks


  • Consequence of the first suspected case of corona at the Neukirchen b. Hl. Blut plant, even if this is not confirmed
  • Precautionary measure: Main plant in Zandt divided into zones between which physical contact is severely restricted
  • Objective: better protection of the workforce against contagion and less disruption of business operations in the event of an emergency

After the first, although unfounded, suspected case of Corona virus (COVID-19) infection among our employees, Zollner has intensified its emergency contingency plans. The preventative component of the contingency plan affects the main plant in Zandt in particular. The plant premises there are divided into seven zones. Employees from different zones will only have minimal direct, personal contact with one another. These precautions, which will be implemented starting March 16, 2020, should fully minimize the health risk for our employees, while allowing us to maintain business operations as best as possible.

Johann Weber, Chairman of the Board of Management/CEO of Zollner Elektronik AG, says:  “The current situation is a dual challenge for us.  We feel obligated to our customers and wish to keep up with our contractual obligations as well as possible. At the same time we are responsible to and for our employees. Their health is our highest priority. With the contingency plan and special zone concept in Zandt we are attempting to harmonize the two.”


Empirical knowledge from the suspected case in Neukirchen

The plant in Neukirchen am Heiligen Blut did not go into operation at the beginning of last week because an employee had immediate, close contact with a person who tested positive. After a list had been created of this person’s contacts and the plant was intensively disinfected as agreed upon with the responsible health department, operations were allowed to resume after three days at the Neukirchen site. A test revealed that the employee was not infected.

The preventative closing of the Neukirchen plant showed that the Zollner Elektronik AG contingency plan does take effect in an emergency. Zollner used the insights and experiences from Neukirchen to further optimize the procedure for a Corona virus (COVID-19) infection of one of our employees. If it is necessary, the affected national or international locations, or the affected zone(s) in the main plant in Zandt will be shut down for approximately two days. This will be as long as it takes to complete the intensive cleaning and disinfection and create a list of contacts. These contacts will stay away from their workplace for the duration of the incubation period and, if possible, work from home.


Prevention concept and Corporate Headquarters

Zollner Elektronik AG is implementing this zone concept in order for this step to be limited to a clearly demarcated, spatial area in the Zandt main plant and be faster. Business operations can continue during this in zones that are not affected.

Meetings and visits, etc., will only take place within individual zones until further notice so employees in daily operations do not need to mingle. If an exchange is needed between zones, employees will defer to the telephone or digital communication. The cafeteria in Zandt will provide only take-out meals until the zone concept has been lifted. Separated into zones, employees will pick up their food there and take it back to their work stations or the break room in their zone.





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