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What’s the SCOOP – 2022 Trends with Cogiscan’s Michael Ho

Here’s what Cogiscan Director of Business Development sees as the key trends in 2022. I asked him to dig into those predictions a little deeper.

“Digitalization, digitalization… digitalization! While many of us understood the value and importance of factory digitalization prior to 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has significantly increased the pressure for accelerating digitalization in the electronics manufacturing industry. As we’ve all witnessed in the past year or so, electronics manufacturers are under tremendous pressure to address new challenges in relation to supply chain visibility, factory connectivity, and quality control – and all with fewer people to get these jobs done. The right factory digitalization strategy will help electronics manufacturers address these concerns, while capitalizing on the current global market recovery by satisfying their current customers and simultaneously recruiting new ones. At Cogiscan, we’ve been working on our internal digitalization efforts to better ensure the evolution of our operations since late 2019. Luckily, our infrastructure was set up to easily adapt to the remote work situation of the pandemic, and we’ve successfully completed both internal and external digitalization initiatives. Coupled with the rebound of the market and our acquisition by the Dürr Group/iTAC Software AG, we are now uniquely positioned to offer a broad and relevant portfolio of smart factory solutions for electronics manufacturers. For 2022 we anticipate the most significant growth in our corporate history! We’re enthusiastic about the challenges this growth will bring and look forward to introducing new technological solutions to our customers and partners (both current and future).”

This season of What’s the SCOOP is sponsored by Koh Young America ( the leaders in manufacturing inspection solutions.

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