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The Reading Room – What’s the SCOOP?


By Philip Spagnoli Stoten Founder of SCOOP

Now in a regular Friday spot, this is the Reading Room, a weekly roundup of what we’ve been reading, watching and listening to this week. You can see these updates even more regularly if you follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Today is Manufacturing Day, so here’s what we’ve seen in the world of production this week.

  • According to ABI Research, “Industrial Manufacturing Sector Will Have an Installed Base of Over 15 Million AI-Enabled Devices in 2024”. AI in industrial manufacturing is a collection of various use cases at different phases of manufacturing, such as generative design in product development, production forecasting in inventory management, and machine vision, defect inspection, production optimization, and predictive maintenance in the production phase.
  • Jia Wertz, Forbes contributor, says “Digital Transformation Doesn’t Just Increase Revenue, It Can Impact Employee Productivity Too”, stating, “People like to have the information technology (IT) tools they need to be empowered, productive and successful at work. Yet a recent survey by Zensar shows that more than half, 53% to be exact, of white-collar and higher-level professionals believe that their company’s digital transformation priorities are focused on how to increase profits instead of empowering employees.
  • Check out these “Eight Types of Waste in Lean Manufacturing”, according to Thomas Insights. In a general sense, waste can be described as something that doesn’t add value. In the context of manufacturing, waste is more accurately defined as any expense or effort spent that does contribute to converting raw materials into a completed product.
  • Few technologies are expected to have as big an impact as 5G and now that we’ve finally started seeing the first 5G-enabled devices and real-world deployments, it’s worth taking a look at where things currently stand and how they’re likely to evolve. Here’s Techspot’s 5G Status Report.

FROM SMTAi: Following last year’s acquisition of Critical Manufacturing by ASM Assembly Systems, I caught up with Dave Trail and Mark Ogden to explore the impact of the integration. Videos included below…

WEBINAR OF THE WEEK: Q&A on Tariffs with Dragon Innovation & Fictiv. Shawn Chang, VP of Strategic Innovation at Dragon Innovation and Ricardo Ortiz, International Logistics Lead at Fictiv came together for a live webinar to discuss tariffs.

VIDEO OF THE WEEK: So, you’re an Alexa user and a Samuel L. Jackson, fan, right? How cool would it be if your favorite movie star was the voice of Alexa? Well, Samuel L. Jackson is Alexa’s first celebrity voice, but it will cost you a dollar.

That’s it until next week! For more regular musing connect or follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Read more, watch more, hear more, know more – that’s the SCOOP!

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