Robotics, Culture & Spectacular Product Failures: A Content Roundup

It’s time to share some of our favorite content from the past few weeks. We have stories for you ranging from the tale of a small company in Seattle building its brand through a much larger company in Seattle, three reasons why your corporate culture needs help and a story about a museum that celebrates failure. Hope you enjoy!

First seen on East West Blog: http://news.ewmfg.com/blog/robotics-culture-spectacular-product-failures-a-content-roundup

1 • This piece from the New York Times caught our eye because it had a couple of magic words in the headline “Cheap,” “Consumer Devices” and “Amazon.” The story looks into how Wyze Labs, a small startup in Seattle, developed a low-priced video camera then proceeded to establish their brand on Amazon. It’s an intriguing look at a new way to develop, manufacture and market a product. Show of hands: Anyone surprised Amazon’s name is in the mix?

The Hidden Player Spurring a Wave of Cheap Consumer Devices: Amazon

2 • We’re always interested to read about unusual manufacturing locations and this one from Space News probably wins the Internet. It appears California-based Made In Space, a startup operating 3D polymer printers on the International Space Station, intends to expand manufacturing capabilities to include other materials.

Made In Space Turns to On-Orbit Metal Manufacturing


Photo courtesy of Made in Space

3 • What did respondents to the Global State of Operational Excellence 2017 Industry Report identify as the most critical challenge facing their organization? Improving company culture. In this story from Industry Week, Dan Markovitz, author of “Building the Fit Organization,” offers three reasons why companies struggle with cultural change. Follow Markovitz on Twitter @danmarkovitz

Why You’re Struggling to Improve Company Culture

4 • WIRED’s Matt Simon weighs in with a story of how the growth of online shopping is driving a robotics Renaissance that features good hardware and even better software.

Your Online Shopping Habit is Fueling a Robotics Renaissance


Photo courtesy of Fetch Robotics

5 • Next up: A story from the Harvard Business Review detailing the four steps to take when you’re introducing a new approach to a process, especially when the audience is less than enthusiastic.

How to Navigate the Politics of an Innovation Project

6 • And finally, because everyone can use a laugh — especially the folks in product development — this entertaining story from Smithsonian magazine about The Museum of Failure — a collection that commiserates and celebrates spectacular product failures. Typically housed in Helsingborg, Sweden, the collection is currently on tour in the U.S.

The Museum of Failure Showcases the Beauty of the Epic Fail


 Photo courtesy of Docubyte

Looking to avoid product development failures? Check out our download about what to look for in a product development partner.  http://news.ewmfg.com/blog/robotics-culture-spectacular-product-failures-a-content-roundup

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