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LPKF highlights the advantages of laser technology in PCB depaneling.

Laser technology is said to have advantages over mechanical cutting processes when it comes to PCB processing and particularly depaneling: extremely low material stress due to quasi contact-free cutting, minimal edges to the cutting areas, no milling dust, largely free geometries and flexible design due to digital data processing. In industrial applications, where minimum size, maximum functional density and high cutting quality without chipping are required for printed circuit boards, laser technology is a must.

LPKF has achieved a breakthrough with its innovative CleanCut technology and has significantly improved speed and cleanliness which are the two most important parameters for depaneling. The use of CleanCut avoids any discoloration at the cutting edges that can occur during conventional laser processing. In addition, laser processing speeds of previously unknown dimensions can be achieved. This is groundbreaking in the field of depaneling and offers both PCB manufacturers and EMS service providers an unprecedented degree of efficiency with the highest cutting quality – and thus also new possibilities for PCB design.

The user can now build even more compact and utilize printed circuit board surfaces up to the edges. Thanks to software-defined cutting paths and extensive geometrical freedom, it is possible to work out developments faster and more flexibly – and to implement new geometries.

The results improve the reliability of the subsequent circuits. The process safety ensures that the printed circuit boards also meet the high-quality requirements of the automotive industry and medical technology.

The fact that additional cleaning processes after laser cutting are superfluous offers considerable savings in terms of process flow and material costs.


About LPKF

LPKF Laser & Electronics AG manufactures machines and laser systems used in electronics fabrication, medical technology, the automotive sector and the production of solar cells. Around 20 percent of the workforce is engaged in research and development.

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