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Koh Young Sharing its Inspection Perspective on EV Testing Applications and Standards on Webinar 27 September 2022

Atlanta, Georgia – Koh Young Technology, the industry leader in True 3D measurement-based inspection solutions, will share its perspective on test standards, systems, and criteria for electronic vehicle (EV) applications in a panel webinar on 27 September 2022 at 10:30am EST.

“With deadlines to ban internal combustions vehicles being announced across the world, automakers have seemingly expedited the investment in electric vehicle research and development, which has resulted in an accelerated growth of EVs,” commented Brent Fischthal, Senior Manager of Americas Marketing at Koh Young. “Research shows the EV industry is projected to reach over $800 billion by 2027, registering a 22.6 percent CAGR. While governments have stepped-up incentives to drive EV adoption, other factors like performance, efficiency, and environmental awareness help consumers make the switch.”

The global push to reduce a reliance on fossil fuels and promote electrification has created new designs and innovations that create new testing challenges. “EVs contain approximately three times the number of power electronic components as internal combustion vehicles,” said Ramon Hernandez, featured panelist and Head of Sales and Service for Mexico and South America at Koh Young.  “EV electronics inspection poses new challenges with respect to the ever-increasing demands of the EV market, the test cases, and the testing procedures.”

The accelerated adoption of EVs has led to an increase in demand for reliable and comprehensive testing solutions for better performance, safety, and overall satisfaction to help EV manufacturers get their cars and trucks faster into the market. As EV systems evolve, a range of standards, systems, and criteria for maintaining reliability in harsh environments are being developed. This panel will discuss the current and future test landscape for EV. Register for the webinar here or at this url:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EYBifAZMS1OKwOYfrB46Cw.

If you cannot attend the webinar and LIVE Q&A session, the broadcast will be available within 24-hours at http://bit.ly/2JWRGCo. Plus, you can learn more about Koh Young and its best-in-class inspection solution technologies, including our Smart Factory Solutions by visiting our new regional website at kohyoungamerica.com.

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