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IDC and CIO Executive Council Launches Women in IT Leadership Coaching Program

Designed to address gaps in high quality coaching for women, new customized coaching program to develop next generation of female leaders

FRAMINGHAM, Mass.– International Data Corporation (IDC), the premier global provider of market intelligence and advisory services, and the CIO Executive Council, serving the evolving, challenging, and demanding role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO), today launched the Women in IT Leadership Coaching Program.

Overwhelmingly, research shows that the lack of women in leadership roles has long-term consequences across every industry and negatively impacts the business outcomes, work cultures, and levels of innovation required for greater financial performance. Specifically, IDC’s Women in Technology research confirms the impact of a lack of gender diversity in IT organizations and underscores the need to expand mentoring programs that develop female leaders. To address the gap in high quality coaching programs and empower women to advance their careers, IDC is proud to launch the Women in IT Leadership Coaching Program, spearheaded by Kathryn Marston, Group Vice President, CIO Executive Council, and supported by a seasoned bench of CIOs. To learn more about Women in IT Leadership Coaching program, please visit

The year-long coaching program will serve all women in IT from pre-manager level to the most senior C-suite executive and is customized to the personal and career objectives of each participant in tandem with the program sponsor’s competency/skill development objectives for their employee. The program is intentionally flexible so that it can complement in-house leadership development programs or balance the offerings of other employee development resources. Elements of the program include:

  • Leadership & Career Skills Assessment Inventory: Designed by the CIO Executive Council to identify strengths and developmental areas.
  • Individual Coaching Sessions: Participants will be matched with an accomplished CIO for personalized development work.
  • Virtual Webcast Sessions: Participants will gain exclusive access to Women in IT Leadership webcasts, with the topics organized and moderated by CIO Executive Coaches and Senior IT/Business Executives.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Navigating Corporate Politics
  • Leveraging your Personal Brand
  • Work/Life Balance (setting boundaries)
  • Establishing a Progressive IT Culture
  • Driving More Productive Meetings
  • Leaving Your Legacy

“The key objective of our newly founded Women in IT Leadership Coaching Program is to identify the realities of career advancement and teach best practices based on the experience of those successful C-level females who have overcome challenges and taken charge of their careers,” noted Marston. “Participants will accelerate their leadership journey through a calibrated, results-oriented set of personal and career development assessments and coaching assignments, and learn directly from experienced global business leaders, who will advise them with candor and compassion, offering valuable insight on how to take their careers to the next level.”

For more information on the Women in IT Leadership Coaching Program, please contact Sarah Murray at or 781-378-2674.

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