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Female Leaders in Tech gather at Productronica – Call for participation

With an increased focus in STEM and amplified media attention calling for gender parity, we are witnessing a dramatic transformation in attitudes and behaviour as many influential figureheads leverage their ability to raise awareness, interest and drive change.

At Productronica 2017, Female Leaders in Teach, (FLITE) addresses on of the main questions our members ask – “As gender disparity is so universal, we often do not even see it. If we do not see it, how do we achieve parity?”

Gender inequality is so universal that we often don’t see what is happening in front of our faces.  Nearly 50% of men think that when just 1 in 10 senior leaders in their company is a woman, that it is sufficient. Incredibly, a third of women agree. When so many business people see a leadership team that is represented by only 10% of women, bearing in mind, that women actually make up half of the population, those same people think, “this is fair and equal”. This is a concerning sign that we are too comfortable with the status quo and unaware of the unconscious bias that exists in our workplace.

The event will be held on the 17th of November in Hall A1 / 220 from 11:00 am – 11:30 am. During this time there will be a 15-minute Keynote discussing one woman’s successful journey through the glass ceiling. The Keynote will be followed by a 15-minute debate on gender inequality and unconscious bias.

If you plan to attend Productronica 2017 and if you would like to be part of this event; FLITE Members; Gayle Paterson, gayle@weareflite.com, Claire Saunders, claire@weareflite.com and Kirsty Hazlewood, kirsty@weareflite.com would like to hear from you.


Through our knowledge network, females come together to: lead the conversation, connect with a common community, share best practice, success stories, achievements and mentor other ambitious females entering into the tech world.

FLITE organizes events, publishes articles, blogs and promotional pieces to ensure that members are kept up-to-date with influential and inspirational females, with the shared goal of empowering women in tech now and in future generations.

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