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Executive Interview: Anderson Arvelo of Anda Technologies, Mexico

Anderson Arvelo is the Business Manager for Anda Technologies, a leading supplier of conformal coating and dispensing equipment, in Guadalajara. Anderson started his career in conformal coating over 18 years ago; in 2017, he brought this experience to Anda and began establishing a brand new, fully equipped technical center in Guadalajara, which celebrated its grand opening in December of 2018. Since opening the technical center, he has been building a team to better support the needs of customers in the Mexican and South and Central American region.

EMSNOW caught up with Anderson to find out how Anda is coping with the COVID crisis as well as his thoughts on the future of manufacturing in Mexico.

EMSNOW: Anda provides conformal coating equipment for the EMS industry. Please tell us about your business in Mexico.

Anda designs and manufactures automation equipment for the EMS industry including conformal coating machines, automatic dispensing equipment, automatic potting equipment, UV curing ovens, IR curing ovens, vacuum plasma treatment equipment, atmospheric plasma treatment equipment, conveyors and flippers. We have a technology center in Guadalajara, Jalisco equipped with the mentioned machines to facilitate existing and potential customers with ability to evaluate our products before making a purchasing commitment. Customers are welcomed to come to our demonstration lab to run validation tests, simulate actual production, witness live demonstrations and receive training.


EMSNOW: You started operating in Guadalajara in 2018. What kind of customer support do you provide in Mexico?

Anda has a dedicated Sales and Service team to offer around the clock support to all of Mexico. Our Sales Engineers are experts in our products and the conformal coating application process. This expertise is essential to facilitate our customers with solutions, not just equipment. Anda’s local Service team has over 30 years of combine experience. As if that was not enough, in October of 2019 we joined forces with Repstronics, a leading distributor and service provider in Mexico, to make our sales and service support even stronger.


EMSNOW: How has Anda adapted to the massive disruptions caused by Covid?

Covid has affected every industry in the world. Social distancing has made it difficult for us to provide customers the personal attention and support that Anda is well known for. But we are not alone in this, our customers have social distancing guidelines to follow as well. We live in the era of information and communication technology; most tasks can be accomplished remotely. Zoom and Google Meet have become the new norm.


EMSNOW: The pandemic seems to still be a challenge in Mexico, as it is in the U.S. How has it impacted your customers’ operations ?

Our customers have had to adapt to the new norm. This is easier said than done in the electronics manufacturing industry. Manufacturing one single product requires collaboration of several individuals. It is challenging to follow social distancing and maintain productivity. But challenges are nothing more than opportunities for success.


EMSNOW: What do you see as the trends in Mexico for electronics manufacturing, post-COVID? Where are the opportunities for growth?

I see Mexico and other individual countries trending towards more self-sufficiency.   It’s become clear with COVID related supply chain interruptions that the current process is broken.  I think manufacturers in Mexico will begin to lean inward to solve some of these problems.  For example: instead of outsourcing a conformal coating application, you could bring that part of your supply chain in house.


EMSNOW: Are your Chinese colleagues at the Anda Headquarters in Dongguan back to work? Are orders and production coming back globally?

Yes, my colleagues in Dongguan are back to work.  Orders and production slowed down for a while as it did for everyone.  Now, though, things seem to be picking up as countries and companies adjust to their new normal.


EMSNOW: Has the supply chain for getting your products to your customers in Mexico been disrupted?

No, we’ve been fortunate to not experience some of the issues that some companies are facing.  The larger issue with supply chain disruption is with companies who are outsourcing parts of their production process.  Our equipment comes straight to our facilities here where we have product ready to go in most cases.


EMSNOW: Do you see any permanent changes coming to the industry as a result of the Covid crisis?

Yes, again, I think that many companies will be looking at bringing parts of their production processes in house as opposed to the current outsourcing methods.  At Anda we’re ready to meet those growing needs.


EMSNOW: To end on a lighter note, what are you and your family doing to stay safe and sane during the quarantines? Any favorite Netflix shows?

We’re definitely watching a lot of documentaries and spending time with the family.  Pre-COVID I spent a lot of time traveling to customer facilities – it’s been refreshing to be with the family!


EMSNOW: What advice would you give to the world to help get us through this?

This is a time to come together as human beings.  We can get through this quicker if we collaborate. Stay home, and if you have to leave home, wear a mask.


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