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Eric Miscoll Joins Dieter Weiss for Fact-Finding Tour of European EMS and More

EMSNOW Publisher Eric will be stepping away from his desk in Texas and  traveling to Europe from Nov 27 through Dec 17. Accompanied by Dieter Weiss of in4ma, the two plan to meet with EMS companies and learn more about the current environment, challenges, and prospects of the EMS industry in Europe. They also plan to attend two meetings:  the IPC/EEIA EMS Seminar in Estonia and the FHI EMS Cluster annual general assembly in the Netherlands.

“I am really looking forward to learning first hand about the dynamic recovery taking place right now in Europe,” Eric commented. “Dieter and I will be visiting at least a dozen EMS facilities in Germany, and the representatives of many more at the two events. This trip furthers our commitment to covering the EMS industry in Europe and providing insight for our readers. Zoom is great, but nothing compares to face to face meetings and conversations.”

While the trip is primarily a business trip, Eric also looks forward to spending time touring, attending Christmas markets, and reconnecting with his German heritage where he lived for nine years as a child.

Watch for regular updates and interviews from Europe as well as some recommendations for holiday cheer.

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