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EMSNOW is on Tour – What’s the SCOOP

As EMSNOW Publisher Eric Miscoll starts his three week tour of Europe, guided by industry guru and consultant Dieter Weiss of in4ma he has also kicked off his own podcast series. The first episode of the podcast was posted earlier this week and featured a special edition of The EMS (Eric Miscoll Show) with Lynn Torrel, Chief Procurement Officer, FLEX And TTI Americas’ President Don Akery. This has to be one of the most important and topical episodes so far!

Episode two was just released and you can hear Eric and Dieter discussing trends in Europe ahead of the “IPC Day 2021 – From EMS to the Moon and Beyond” in Tallinn, Estonia. Eric has a busy and exciting schedule over the coming two weeks and will be posting audio and video content regularly, so subscribe to the podcast and watch out for the video. You can keep up with this tour on EMSNOW as well.

Meanwhile the big “What’s the SCOOP” topic for December is our predictions and trends for 2022 piece and the responses are coming in thick and fast from the great and good, the insightful and influential, and the movers and shakers of the electronic manufacturing world. It will surprise nobody to know what shortages are top of mind, but it may surprise some to hear that talent shortages are as concerning as parts shortages to some, particularly in the US.

2022 looks like the year of supply chain teams and supply chain technologies, as their role becomes increasingly pivotal to business success. In 2022 we’ll be launching “That SUPPLY CHAIN Show” featuring the latest supply chain trends and technologies with luminary guests from every part of the value chain. As host I’ll be banging on about the importance of digital transformation and the potential for shorter supply chains to improve outcomes for companies, for consumers and for the planet. That SUPPLY CHAIN Show will launch in early January with a live webcast, a video channel and a podcast.

You can see our other podcasts, EMS@C-Level and MADE IN on all your favorite podcast providers as well as on our YouTube channel.

As well as the supply chain we’ll be hearing more about automation and smart factories in 2022. The pandemic has shone a light on the need to push on towards Industry 4.0 and many companies are investing. And just as the supply chain team are in the c-suite, so too are the automation guys, with titles like Chief Automation Officer being used to describe these visionaries guiding companies on their journey to smart factory navana.

We’ll be featuring the first group of “What’s the SCOOP” insights, along with some short video interviews this time next week. If you’d like to participate just reach out on LinkedIn.

Have a great week, stay tuned and stay informed…


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