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Elmatica completes Cybersecurity training with US Experts in Washington DC

Not enough is done to protect against the range of supply chain threats!

“With a world in constant change, where cyber threats can either cripple or secure your business, it is vital that every individual, company and federal entity utilize technology and methodology to secure one’s data. The cost of data breaches increase globally every year, in this game, there is only one rule: better to be safe than sorry, “ says CEO Didrik Bech, present in Washington at the Cybersecurity Institute.

“The U.S. government is the “largest producer, collector, consumer, and disseminator of data in the world”, so learning from the experts here in Washington DC provides us with the knowledge to set our own focus at the right level, “ says IT Manager Robert Kurti.

Not enough done towards supply chain threats!

Themes like the statutory and regulatory framework for cybersecurity and contracting, cybersecurity in public, federal privacy laws and cybersecurity; cloud computing, security, and acquisitions are all elements scheduled when the Cybersecurity Institute calls for training.

“People have a tendency to consider that their cybersecurity measurements are both sufficient and up to date and this might be the case. However, how have you secured your supply chain and what data access do your subcontractors have? Not enough is done to protect against this range of supply chain threats. The supply chain threats are now understood to encompass more than counterfeit electronics and other parts,“ says Bech.

Software increasingly defines the boundaries, operation, and security of systems which are crucial to society as consumer and industrial products, transportation, healthcare, and communication. A modern airliner may have more than 10 million lines of code and a car may have 100 million lines of codes operating a wide variety of systems from engine control to break systems.

How much of your coding relies on open source?

“Electronics systems are becoming command-driven through connectors, sensors and now cloud-based. As the software is becoming more advanced, developers rely on open source for parts of their code. Are these open sources secure, are all the bits and bytes trustworthy, who has access, what can they steal, and what they can do, is practically only up to your imagination,” says Bech.

According to the “Cost of Data Breach” report, published by IBM and Ponemon Institute earlier this year, the average cost of a data breach is around $3,9 billion, a 12% increase in the last five years. Data breaches are costly and create chaos for organizations and not least their customers every year.

Is your IT-strategy left-hand work?

“As a trusted partner to industries like Automotive, Communication, Defence and Medical, where copyright protection, compliance, design, data, and drawings are key to securing your upper edge, there is no way to handle your IT Security like a left-hand project. Policy and risk management is an important component of any organizations’ operations. Documenting issues and developing plans of action are important in managing your cybersecurity risk,” says Bech. The Internet of Threats – be aware

The Internet of Things (IoT) or Internet of Threats, is establishing and producing an insurmountable amount of interconnections of sensors, devices and systems, and potential massive interdependencies among systems.

“These connections and pathways for attacks, malware propagation and distribution will grow exponentially. Detection and response to these attacks will be a pivotal part of security for all companies. Hacks resulting in exposure of private information as Sony in 2014, the Office of Personnel Management in 2015 or Equifax in 2017 shows how unwanted actors can gain access. The result was that hundreds of millions of personnel records were breached and compromised, “ says Bech.

Secure your products – you don’t want valuable research stolen

Take control of your products and services, secure your Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), select partners with the capability or minimum the structure to optimally secure your supply chain.

“We have experienced a sharp increase in requests from existing and new customers regarding our data handling procedures, how we operate and which systems we are using. These requests are coming from all industries and especially from product owners who have an active strategy to secure their products and services by reducing the possibility of other companies stealing their hard-earned research & development investments,” says IT Manager Robert Kurti.

About Elmatica

Elmatica was established in 1971 and is the oldest broker of PCB in the world. Delivering to 5 continents and 39 countries with over 10 000 orders per year, to small family businesses and companies listed on the stock exchange. We are honored for being selected to chair several new independent standards in our industry together with IPC.

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