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Elmatica achieve 50 percent gender balance at management level

“What other day, than straight after the International Women’s Day to break such positive news. The last five years we have worked diligently towards reaching our goal on gender balance”, says CEO Didrik Bech.

Five years ago, Elmatica set a goal to improve their gender balance. Today, the day after The International Women’s Day they announce that the goal has been achieved, increasing the percentage of females at the management level from 10 to 50 percent, and the work continues.

“Women’s equality is not a goal that one can set, reach and then forget, it’s a continuous process, which the world, on a global perspective, unfortunately, is far away from reaching. However we are very proud to have reached our goal of equal representation of women and men at our management level. We will continue to work towards equal opportunities for women and other under-represented groups in our company”, says Bech.


Always aiming for the best candidate

For Elmatica it has never been about gender, it’s always about qualification and experience.

“When searching for people for our positions in our departments, the focus has been to attract the best candidates. However, by focusing our communication and branding towards a more female approach, we have been fortunate to attract some of the best female candidates in the industry, to come work with us”, says Bech.

“A thorough focus on gender equality over the last five years has given results. Five years ago we had one female representative at our management level, now we are pleased to announce that we have increased to 50%. For me it’s a given to offer equal opportunities no matter what gender you are. As a father of two girls, this is personal”, says Bech.


Promotion during pregnancy – a natural given

Elmaticas gender balance milestone and focus is part of the bigger picture of a company trying to incorporate their values: transparency, predictability and integrity, in every step of their flow, business and internal focus when it comes to internal development and HR as well.

“When I was pregnant with my first child I was promoted and given more responsibilities, my French friends were quite shocked. This says a lot about the mentality of the  top management at Elmatica. I was also encouraged to take as much maternity leave as possible, and in Norway that is one year, which was absolutely incredible and offered me predictability when I was entering a new phase of my life”,  says Customer Service Manager Estelle Blocklet.

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