ECIA Webinar on CISA Recommendations and COVID-19 Resources

Atlanta – ECIA’s Coronavirus Resource page  now includes updates on the Federal Government Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) guidelines for what industries are considered ‘essential businesses’ and therefore exempt from shelter in place mandates. A webinar was conducted recently to help members sort through the quickly changing regulations state governors are issuing to limit the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus. Since the electronic components industry is part of this country’s critical infrastructure and essential to the continuing function of vital industries, it is considered an essential business within the context of most state and local government coronavirus restrictions.

“The CISA document, which outlines the businesses that must stay open during the crisis, was updated on Saturday,” revealed Robin Gray, ECIA Chief Counsel and COO, who has been following this issue closely. “The guidance document now specifically mentions semiconductors.”

During the webinar last Friday, Robin emphasized that these shelter in place orders were controlled by the state governors, and the CISA documents were guidelines only. The spreadsheet listing information about what the individual states have ordered is current as of March 27th.

“There is a tsunami of information about this unprecedented crisis,” remarked ECIA’s CEO and President David Loftus. “Our goal is to comb through all the regulations and mandates to keep members updated on precisely what’s most important for this industry. The response from our members and the industry as a whole has been very positive. Roughly 200 attended the information-packed webinar.”

ECIA will continue to monitor the situation and offer additional resources like webinars. Keep up to date, visit ECIA’s Coronavirus Resource page. ECIA members should log on to the website to access additional information.

About ECIA

The Electronic Components Industry Association (ECIA) is made up of the leading electronic component manufacturers, their manufacturer representatives and authorized distributors. ECIA members share a common goal of promoting and improving the business environment for the authorized sale of electronic components. Comprised of a broad array of leaders and professionals representing all phases of the electronics components supply chain, ECIA is where business optimization, product authentication and industry advocacy come together. ECIA members develop industry guidelines and technical standards, as well as generate critical business intelligence. For more information, visit www.ecianow.org or call 678-393-9990.

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