ECIA Posts Latest ‘The Channel Channel’ Podcast – IBM’s Blockchain Expert Christophe Begue

Atlanta – ECIA’s latest podcast features a lively discussion of the current and potential status of Blockchain implementations in the electronic industry. A lot is happening in this sector and ECIA’s connection to IBM has been of great benefit to help members climb the learning curve quickly.

Christophe Begue is Director Solution Strategy and Business Development, IBM.“My job is to be the interface between what IBM is bringing to market and then take that and apply it to the needs of the electronic components industry,” explained Begue.

Moderating this podcast is Don Elario, ECIA’s Vice President of Industry Practices. The discussion covers more details about IBM Blockchain solutions such as TradeLens and Trust Your Supplier, as well as how IBM clients are using Blockchain to not only solve industry challenges, but also develop new custom service offerings for their customers.

“Working with IBM is a great way for companies to get engaged in a Blockchain solution that is already out there, already operating, rather than starting from the beginning,” Elario commented.

“We see a few companies that are creating totally novel service offerings that can only be delivered with Blockchain technology. These are new topline benefits for these companies,” added Begue.

Listen to the complete podcast at ecianow.org/podcasts.

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