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Cogiscan – Twenty Years in the Making

Cogiscan – Twenty Years in the Making

By André Corriveau, Vincent Dubois, François Monette, Co-Founders Cogiscan

We often think about our future in terms of the destination, rather than the journey. Rapid and dynamic changes occur around us, enriching our surroundings and influencing our mission.

Our future turns out to be our journey, not our destination.

Innovation, adaptation, agility and a pragmatic can-do attitude make the journey more exciting and fulfilling than the destination we initially imagined.

At Cogiscan we had an idea of our destination some 20 years ago. We had a vision for the entire industry and we believed that a connected data driven utopia was around the corner and the ability to seamlessly integrate every part of the manufacturing process was the key. Our goal was to optimize the electronic assembly process with the intent to eliminate, or at least reduce, all types of errors, waste and potential product failures, whilst improving performance.

Our manufacturing engineering background led us to focus on creating applications that would deliver significant and immediate impact for manufacturers. Cogiscan, initially just the three founders, but soon a whole team of skilled and passionate people worked on that ideal. Step by step, day by day, through trial and error we built the reality of our ideal.

logo cogiscanThat reality was the Track, Trace and Control (TTC) solutions, because we fundamentally believed, and still do, that they are the most critical processes for electronics assembly. They truly deliver the greatest cost reduction and productivity gain.

Fast forward twenty short exciting years, and our vision is now widely shared by the manufacturing industry. Now it is called Smart Factory, or Industry 4.0, IIoT, or Big Data Analytics. Rest assured, whatever people want to call it, this is a data driven manufacturing process, with connectivity at its core. A connected manufacturing ecosystem was our goal twenty years ago, and now the industry is asking for just that!

We believe that no company can be the best at everything and, the factory of the future will not be achieved with one huge enterprise system or by one global player, but rather through a series of best of breed applications that integrate seamlessly. Our leadership in TTC technology, along with our open collaborative approach, has allowed us to form fantastic partnerships with numerous industry equipment and software vendors. This means that our customers can count on a solution that will seamlessly integrate with their operations now and in the future., whoever they purchase their equipment from.

When the electronic industry produces more efficiently, reducing waste, shortening supply chains, and insuring product reliability and safety, we all benefit from the better world smarter manufacturing enables.

The future is the sum of actions and ideas. Looking back, we can say with pride, we achieved our own future, and we are still aiming on reaching even higher levels in the future. We are always evolving, always inventing, always imaging and always sharing.

So, we are embracing the journey and the wonderful partners and customers we’ve shared it with as we now look forward to our next adventures with them and with the new people we’ll meet along the way.

We’re proud to have been sharing the future of electronics industry since 1999.


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