Cirtronics Hosted Expert Panel at the Inaugural Robotics Summit and Showcase in Boston, MA

Summary: Cirtronics, an experienced Robotics contract manufacturer located in Southern New Hampshire, hosted a panel of three senior Robotics executives at the Inaugural Robotics Summit and Showcase in Boston, MA on May 23rd, 2018. The experts shared their perspectives on how DFx can assist in successful outsourced production of robotic devices.

Cirtronics, an experienced Robotics contract manufacturer located in Southern New Hampshire, attended the Inaugural Robotics Summit and Showcase recently held in Boston. Cirtronics hosted a panel of three senior executives from local robotic companies who shared their perspectives on how DFx can assist in facilitating successful outsourced production of robotic devices. Although the three companies design and sell robots for very different markets, all of them rely on DFx to optimize product design, supply chain, and assembly processes to simplify, accelerate and reduce the cost of manufacturing. This session discussed DFx in the context of manufacturability, included presentations by each of the executives, and provided an opportunity for the audience to ask questions of the panel both during the session and in the break immediately following.

The goal of DFx is to achieve alignment between the design of a product and production processes in order to yield optimized cost and quality”, says Andy McMillan, Director of Cirtronics’ Board of Advisors and Panel Moderator.

Panel Summary

Each of the panelists, Tom Frost, President, Endeavor Robotics; Youssef Saleh, Founder and CEO, Ava Robotics and Derek Daly, Robotics Thought Leader, addressed how DFx had assisted their projects as they transitioned into manufacturing.

Here is a summary of some of each of the Panelist’s main points.

Tom Frost: Design for cost, assembly and service early in the product design process. Keep it simple—and engage manufacturing partners upfront. Involve manufacturing process and test engineers with the design team to capitalize on concurrent engineering.

Derek Daly: DFx for design for product realization requires integrating product team and contract manufacturing partners. Multidisciplinary, collaborative decision making eases the technology transfer and transition to manufacturing from design to manufacturing and production, reducing risk. Choosing a contract manufacturing partner is a challenge. Leverage their expertise, and recognize collective responsibility for success.

Youssef Saleh: DFx means co-building with the contract manufacturer early in the process, in the prototype stage. Consult with supply chain managers, and work with the contract manufacturer to iterate designs toward ease of assembly, increased quality, and integration of evolving technology.

Cirtronics and DFx

Combining leading edge technical capabilities with proactive and collaborative customer relationships through Precision Engagement® and DFx. Cirtronics is in the business of building confidence as well as the next generation of Robotics.


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