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c2a Security Announces Latest Auto-Cybersecurity Technology at Cyber Week Israel 2018

TEL AVIV, Israel — c2a Security, a pioneer in auto security and analytics, announced its newly released AutoArmor solution focused on protecting on board auto testing functionalities from cyber-attacks at Israel’sCyber Week Security & Risk Management Summit June 18th-20th.

AutoArmor, a revolutionary and comprehensive automotive cybersecurity solution for connected vehicles, adds key infrastructure to the c2a Solution Suite. Through the SoBT functionality, the solution discovers all the ECUs in the vehicle, aggregates diagnostics and anomalies from these ECUs, and performs mitigation according to OEM policy. AutoArmor works seamlessly in conjunction with the security monitor SecMon, which detects anomalies on the network and sub-networks, securing the infrastructure in real time. SoBT is delivered by default with an application firewall to make certain that sent messages are valid, and rejects those messages if they are not.

c2a Security CEO Michael Dick stated, “We are proud to announce the release of our Secure on-board Tester product. A secure and comprehensive infrastructure to manage anomalies and downloads is sorely missing in modern car implementations. Connected vehicles are quickly becoming a universal standard, but such revolutionary improvements and efficiencies come with added risks. Hacking via infotainment system or telematics is an unfortunate reality. If intruders can penetrate and interfere with the electronic control units (ECUs) that manage such critical automotive systems as engine, braking and electrical, they can disable a car or truck at will, whether for ransom or terror. The need for security has become acute.”

As this secure infrastructure connects to all ECUs, it also provides the infrastructure to perform software updates on remote ECUS and special remote invocations. An ECU software update is considered to be a very critical function and therefore, SoBT is delivered by default with an application firewall to make certain that control messages sent are valid, and rejects them if they are not.

ABOUT C2A SECURITY: The key pain-point of the next generation vehicles (connected and autonomous cars) is the networks’ safety and security. c2a Security has developed a revolutionary safety and security layer for the next generation vehicle starting from the chip level, with a unique, easy to implement and low-cost solution to protect connected cars from malicious attacks. These solutions include patented firewall type functionality into the car network, multi-network anomaly detection, microprocessor protection and diagnostics over IP infrastructure. C2A is endorsed by the Israel Innovation Authority as a cybersecurity company. For more information on c2a Security – http://www.c2a-sec.com / email: info@c2a-sec.com.

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